Hlavní rozcestí

9.A Anglický jazyk

Romana Bláhová 10.10.2020

Hello everyone!

Here is your work for this and next week:

Workbook -  p. 18/ 1 (that´s your HW from Monday), p. 18/3, p. 19/4, 6.

Pupil´s book - p.29 - Read the text about COMPUTERS (yellow box) and complete the gaps with the words in the boxes-  write to your exercise book (just number and word).

When you´ll finish the tasks, take a picture of your work and send it to my email (souchova@zstsobra.cz) -deadline:23rd October, 9:00am

EDIT: na tomto odkazu si procvičujte od UNIT 1 (znáte z loňska).

See you soon!

Petra Souchová


AJ 9- P.Pohnan


Here is your work for the week from 18 th December to 4 th January2021.




When you´ll finish it, take your work and bring it to school or send to  my email (pohnan@zstsobra.cz) - deadline:4 th January, 9:00am

See you soon!

Here is your work for this and next week:15.10.202020_____…19.10.2020_aj789-…

When you´ll finish it, take a picture of your work and send it to my email (pohnan@zstsobra.cz) -deadline:2nd November, 9:00am

See you soon!

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